Kenes Rakishev is Being Investigated: Find Out Why (2024)

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Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakhstani entrepreneur and industrialist, is well-known for his extensive influence in a variety of fields, including the internet, oil and gas, finance, shipbuilding, and mining. He is also well known for his important contribution in manufacturing. He is on the boards of several important companies, including Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries, SAT & Company, Net Element, and Vyborg Shipyard, among others.

Kenes Rakishev

He is also the managing shareholder of the Singulariteam-1 and Singulariteam-2 investment funds, both of which focus on innovative technology enterprises, as well as the Executive Chairman and co-owner of Sirin Labs, the company that invented Finney, the world’s first blockchain smartphone.

Rakishev graduated from the Kazakh National Law School in 2000 and went on to acquire a Bachelor of Arts in International Economics from the Kazakh Economic University in Almaty. Rakishev was born in Kazakhstan on July 14, 1979. In 2007, he graduated from Oxford’s Sad Business School with a diploma in Integrated Management, Business Administration, and General Administration. He also finished a program at the London School of Business that focused on strengthening value-creation skills.

Acquisitions and investments are both options

Kenes Rakishev’s investments are spread throughout a variety of areas. His investments in SAT & Company and Petropavlovsk indicate his commitment to the mining and metallurgical industries. He has invested in a number of financial institutions, including BTA Bank, Basic Insurance, and Net Element. Previously, he worked for Magnum, Kazakhstan’s most lucrative retail chain, and Channel 7, a television network.

The complaint states that “Arcanum and the Kazakh Parties, under the guise of working with Sater to recover assets from fugitive Kazakh oligarch Mukhtar Ablyazov, conspired to leak false and defamatory information about Sater to media outlets including ABC News.” This was part of an attempt to portray Sater, Trump’s longstanding business partner, as a Russian agent.

Sater was a crucial witness in Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. A leaked 2015 email from Sater indicated that he would arrange for Vladimir Putin to support Trump’s election campaign as part of a plan to build a Trump tower in Moscow. Despite suspicions that he is a Kremlin collaborator, Sater claims that his espionage work for US intelligence made him a target for execution by the Russians.

According to Sater’s allegations, he is a significant member of the US Intelligence Community, having carried out espionage operations against North Korea, Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, al Qaeda, and Russian hacker networks.

The lawsuit also says that Rakishev and Massimov, who were arrested for treason by Kazakh authorities in January, orchestrated the campaign against Sater and Trump. It states, “Massimov and Rakishev sought influence with American politicians, believing they would be rewarded for assisting Hillary Clinton’s campaign by discrediting Sater and Trump.” Their activities included contributing money to Hunter Biden, whom Rakishev considered a personal friend.

Controversies and Connections of Kenes Rakishev

Kenes Rakishev has frequently been in the headlines because of his business operations and relationships. It is worth noting that his friendship with Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov has piqued public interest. In December 2020, the United States imposed sanctions on the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation and the Akhmat Football Club. These sanctions listed SAT & Company as a sponsor, implying a connection between the group and Rakishev. Despite the fact that SAT & Company had officially discontinued sponsorship of Akhmat Fight and Football Associations, the company’s logo remained on the team’s uniform.

Kenes Rakishev

Furthermore, Rakishev’s name surfaced in a heated event involving a confrontation at a restaurant on Rochdelskaya Street, which was captured on video. The recording, recorded by Zhanna Kim, the restaurant’s owner, gave the impression that Rakishev was involved in the planning and execution of the events that led to the violent fight.

Challenges in the Financial and Legal Domains

SAT & Company was one of the few sponsors of the football club “Akhmat,” which was published in the sports magazine and highlighted the team’s financial difficulties. Despite the appearance of support, ownership of such enterprises is murky, and Rakishev is often kept away from direct engagement.

The intricate web of firms affiliated with SAT & Company, including “SAT-MOSCOW,” “SAT DEVELOPMENT,” “FINSAT,” “SAT OIL,” and “SAT-INVEST,” reveals Kenes Rakishev’s broad commercial network. The lines between ownership and accountability are blurred because many of these organizations are controlled by his close supporters, such as Anvar Mametov.

Court Disputes and International Relationships

Rakishev is linked to a number of high-profile legal cases, including allegations of involvement in the Rochdelskaya Street shooting. The charges against him alleged that he used his position to influence court proceedings and safeguard his personal financial interests. Furthermore, Rakishev’s public image is tainted by his dealings with troubled figures like Adam Yandiev and Oleg Firer.

He has a large network of worldwide contacts, including friendships and business relationships with prominent figures all around the world. However, as a result of these connections, he is being scrutinized, particularly in light of the possibility of penalties imposed by the US due to his ties to Kadyrov.

Kenes Rakishev, one of Kazakhstan’s most prominent businesspeople, has been named in a new complaint alleging foreign interference in the 2016 US presidential election. Felix Sater, a former senior advisor to President Trump, filed the case, accusing Rakishev of acting as an agent for Kazakhstan’s former Prime Minister Karim Massimov in an attempt to harm Trump’s campaign.

Sater’s lawsuit, filed in the Southern District of New York federal court, targets BTA Bank (owned by Rakishev), the City of Almaty, the Kazakh Government, and Arcanum, a private investigation firm. Sater claims he was hired to help recover billions of dollars stolen from BTA Bank by its previous owner, Mukhtar Ablyazov. However, Sater argues that this was a pretext to disguise the Kazakhs’ genuine intent: to gather humiliating information about him and use it against Trump.

Hunter Biden Connection

A US Senate investigation revealed that Rakishev paid $142,300 to a company run by a friend of Hunter Biden and invested in deals proposed by Biden. The lawsuit also accuses Rakishev of heinous crimes, including raping juvenile females in Russia and organizing horrific fighting contests involving young children, which were allegedly covered up due to his political links.

Rakishev is said to be tied to those involved in a January revolt in Kazakhstan, and he appears to be close to Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen leader accused of human rights crimes.

Sater’s case is a counterclaim to a 2019 complaint filed by BTA Bank and Kazakh authorities, which claimed Sater stole money from them. Matthew Schwartz, a lawyer at Boies Schiller Flexner who represents BTA Bank and the City of Almaty, called Sater’s filing “conspiracy theories and desperation dressed up like a lawsuit,” and expressed confidence that the court would see through Sater’s tactics.

Kazakhstan’s President’s Family Has Secret Business Ties

RFE/RL’s investigation revealed the complex and hidden financial ties of Kazakh President Qasym-Zhomart Toqaev’s family in Russia. The investigation focuses on Toqaev’s unusual divorce from his Russian wife, Nadezhda Tokayeva, which was most likely caused by her Russian citizenship. Their son, Timur Toqaev, has had a pretty successful business career, serving on the board of Mayak, a Moscow-based real estate developer with operations in Russia and Switzerland.

The findings also indicate Toqaev’s deteriorating economic links with his predecessor, Nursultan Nazarbaev, as well as Timur Toqaev’s connections to major Kazakh businesspeople like Kenes Rakishev and Timur Kulibaev. The paper stresses the family’s secrecy and global reach.

Market strategies and endeavors based on technology

Despite being embroiled in controversy, Rakishev continues to pursue his scientific and business interests. His participation in initiatives like Singulariteam and Sirin Labs demonstrates his dedication to the pursuit of innovation. Despite this, his commercial tactics, including Net Element, have received criticism for their financial performance. The huge reduction in the company’s share price demonstrates the volatility and risks associated with Rakishev’s investments.

Managing Public Relations and Image Communications

Rakishev makes significant efforts in public relations, and he strives to preserve a positive image despite the challenges. This ambition includes his participation in humanitarian efforts as well as leadership positions in Kazakh sporting organizations. On the other hand, there are still concerns regarding the veracity of his accomplishments and the ownership of his assets, hinting that there is a complex relationship between his public persona and the actual commercial activities he engages in.


Kenes Rakishev is a famously complex businessman. He pursues a number of reputable commercial ventures while navigating a complex web of legal issues and disputes. His ability to deal with these challenges while maintaining powerful contacts illustrates his resilience and adaptability in an ever-changing global corporate environment.

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